
Scent Work

There are many ways to teach scent work with your dog. There is not just one way to do anything. Every Teacher, every organization, every dog is different. You need to find what works best between you and your dog.
Having a Scent Work Indicator with your dog (a behavior your dog will show you when he has found the scent) is having a dog that knows exactly HOW TO TELL YOU where the scent is.
To teach this behavior, we will be using PVC pipe, wooden boxes, luggage, cardboard boxes, etc. And a combination of scents – birch, anise, clove, cypress.
The class is for Novice to Expert Scent Work dogs.
I did not start training my dogs with an indication. There was a lot of miscommunications. Wanting to take the guesswork out of the scenario, I retrained my own dogs using the procedure that I will show you, and it truly made all the difference in how they did in trials.
This does not eliminate your need to read the dogs behaviors when in scent…That will never go away. But, if you can make something better, and have better communication between you and your dog…WHY NOT DO IT?
Please bring dog’s proof of shot record receipt to the first class. Also bring your dog hungry, with small soft tasty treats. Please email us or call if you are interested. Emails will be the quickest communication.
Bring your dog (of course!), shot records, soft chewy treats in a side pouch or front pouch (hoodie type sweatshirts work great), 6ft leash (non-retractable), and an appropriate collar for your dog.
​Class size is limited to 10 and you must call or text the instructor to sign up and/or for additional information.
Jeannie Fanning

Scent Work Indication I
DATE: Beginning Nov 2nd
TIME: 5:30 pm & 7:00 pm
LENGTH: 1+ hour once a week for 4 weeks
INSTRUCTOR: Jeannie Fanning​
Scent Work II
DATE: Beginning Dec 7th
TIME: 5:30 pm
LENGTH: 1+ hour once a week for 4 weeks
INSTRUCTOR: Jeannie Fanning​

Non-Members $100
Members $92
Members w/facility use $83